Proud Dad

I could not be more proud of my son, who just participated in a Hackathon at Imperial University where he is studying Computer Science.

I love generative art as a way of using technical skills and mathematics for the purpose of creativity. It goes against the usual view that machines are cold and science leads to a world without a soul.


I think that computers are simply modern tools like a stone for a primitive human.

Like those previous tools, they can be used as weapons or enablers for human creativity.

I feel blessed that my amazing little boy has friends that are not only very accomplished students but also creators.

Take a few minutes to read how sophisticated their Hack is…. here.

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Pi Day ! 3.14 and what ?

Was Pi day today! 14th of March or 3-14 in USA style date.

It is a constant and an irrational number (its decimals goes on forever) and is defined as the number you get when you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter.

People have tried to find the last digit of Pi for many years. There are databases on the internet with a million digits of Pi etc…and still no pattern to predict the next digit.

I have made over the years several computer codes to find the next digit of Pi. It is a great way to waste a lot of time…

I know a simple way to remember the first 15 digits.

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lecture involving quantum mechanics…

Count the letters of each word : 3. 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 4 3 5 ….useless but fun trivia.

Try to see if your birthday is in the digits of Pi. Use the below and type your birthday the link will tell you how far down the decimals of Pi you need to go before you can find that sequence of numbers, mine is quite soon at 8434: Pi

I am always puzzled by numbers that have an infinite number of decimal points like Pi. Each time we find a new digit, the number Pi is bigger than the previous one but by a smaller amount…so it is bigger each time for an infinite amount of time but the number Pi itself will never grow to infinite.

Here are the first 1000 digits of Pi :

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Yakitori Chicken Skewers

[Update March 2021] I have made this recipe a few times now. The skewers are “fancy” when you have people around for dinner but for just a nice quick evening dinner, it is a bit overkill. So I have now simplified and I start by pan-frying the chicken cut in small cubes, then I broil them in the oven on a tray to give them the BBQ burn style. I serve with lots of spring onions and just plain rice. This can be done in 20-30 minutes and it is delicious. The more sauce the better. Sometimes I keep the skins on the tights, which make some nice crispy bit.  (does not work for the skewers version)




[Initial post 2nd Dec 2018]: I want to make this one. Called Negima Yakitori.

I have been wondering of Yakitori sauce was a different sauce from soy sauce or plum of fish sauce etc….turns-out it is simple to make with the basic ingredients of Japanese cooking.

Posting on my blog just to remember to try…

Ingredients :

  • 100ml Soy Sauce
  • 100ml Mirin
  • 50ml Sake + 50ml Water (or 100ml Sake if you want more humpffff !)
  • You can also do 1/3 Soy, 1/3 Mirin, 1/3 Sake
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 500g Chicken Tights (boneless and skinless)
  • Spring onions
  • Bamboo skewers to hold the chicken during cooking

How to make :

  • Put Soy, Mirin, Sugar, Water and Sake in saucepan and let cook in medium heat for 15 to 20  minutes until sauce is thick and glossy. (It will reduce)
  • Cut the chicken into 3cm cubes and put on the bamboo skewers spaced with a piece of Spring Onion.
  • Soak the skewers in water before using them to avoid burning them in the oven. (helps with moist chicken as well)
  • There are 2 methods: either broiler or saucepan
    • Warm a frying pan to medium heat.
    • Set the chicken skewers in the pan and baste with the sauce.
    • Cook by turning the skewers and basting more and more until fully cooked.
  • Or with the broiler
    • Set the broiler on high
    • Put the skewers on aluminium foil over a cooking tray
    • turn a couple of times and baste as you cook
  • keep some of the sauce for a final coating before serving

Hope I try this before Xmas, might be an easy one to make for the whole big family….

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Time Capsule

This is a post I will review regularly and update like a time capsule about time :





I have been interested in “Time” for a while. It is something that I find particularly troubling. It is why I have that little catchphrase at the top right of my blog. I simply want to capture here some thoughts and questions I ask myself about time.

Like many, I “feel” once in a while that “time” flies fast and others that it lingers. Is it my perception of time or actually time that dilates and contracts as we move through space at variable speed as we spin around stars in the Universe? For sure this further confinement is more taxing on all around us and collectively we are probably slowing time by moving less! In general, I think that time actually shrinks and expands under the influence of the entire world. (not just the people but the whole universe in its infinite entirety)

Science says that time and space should be considered as one thing. Essentially if I move around in space, I also move in time. Time is personal to each one of us and does not tick/flow at the same speed if I move fast through my garden compared to the motionless flowers. I like things that go fast or do things rather than sit, I struggle to read because it feels so slow to capture data. I like to make decisions and move on. I want to ski fast, ride a fast motorbike, drive a fast car, live. Maybe it is for me a disguised way to slow-down time. Unfortunately, it is not possible to “stop” moving in this time-space, you are always drifting because of the laws of physics.

Do we perceive time passing more quickly as we get older simply because our brains get slower to process things? Science has shown that our brains can only process data at a few frames per second. Our brain gives us the illusion of continuity when it actually can only capture discrete events and process them with little speed in comparison to machines. So the quicker you think, the slower the world appears to you. Which is helpful when tripping during a walk to avoid a bad fall but rarely used consciously to simply enjoy the beauty of Nature. Next time you see something beautiful try to think very fast and you will probably “really” make it last longer.

If time travel was possible, I do not think I would want to revisit the past. There are things I have done or said that I am less proud of than others and wish I had taken a different path, however, I am happy that they have happened so I could learn from them by remembering them. It is the same for good things, romantically it would be nice to relive good times but they would most certainly lose much of their magic, I prefer to remember them as a sailing tack-point in my lifetime.  I believe my present to be richer because of my past. I am not so clear-cut on the possibility of travelling in the future. I would like to know it but do not want to miss out on the journey to it either. The good news is that I do not have to make a choice.

So the present is a good place and the only place I exist. I seek to simply enjoy today because soon it will be the good old days that I reminisce. I don’t like planning and it stresses me, it is creating a “certainty” in the future. With confinement, many find comfort in planning a new holiday or a future event, it simply does not work for me. I cannot change my past and arguably cannot do much about my future either as it will never exist until I act. One could be scared by all this weirdness and philosophical thinking. Although my views create a profound need for sparkles and adrenaline in my present, I still think that I am in control of where I swim in the river, just not in control of where the river is taking me. It also makes me less anxious about having made bad decisions or making mistakes in my present or even fearing my own ineluctable entropy.

This is also why I want to do things now and not wait for tomorrow. If I have to wait for tomorrow, let’s start early.


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Happy Valentine ’21

Happy Valentine in full confinement…although this round is a lot harder we can still try to have normal lives.

I have been playing with the “Processing” language for many years. [probably something like 2012]. The recent evolution has been towards P5.js which is a javascript library that provides very simple functions to make drawings on a webpage Canvas. I have used on occasions OpenProcessing but recently I have enjoyed the simplicity of P5.js to create quick visuals for the simple Generative Art I make.

I was inspired by some work done by Etienne Jacob after watching a youtube video of the Coding train of Daniel Shiffman…

I had to learn a lot about “easing” functions and GIF-making as well as dive back into trigonometric functions!

My preferred one is “X-plode”.


  • This first one is “Pi-R” :


  • This one is “+lse”:



  • This one is “X-plode”:



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Machining Aluminium

I made a clamping tool for holding the wheel of my bike on my workshop table.

I designed the part with Fusion360 on the computer and then started making it from a rough-cut from an aluminium bar.

Cutting such a thick piece of aluminium is not easy and takes a lot longer than one would expect. I use an electric hack-saw but still, it is hard work.

Once the rough block is cut approximately to size, it is time for proper machining with my CNC-Mill. The starting block was about 5.5cm wide in all dimensions. This is almost the maximum size for my little milling machine! I had to get a bit creative with the holding clamps etc…

I used a fly cutter (a scary piece of tool steel that appears to be “flying” over the part), it was creating so many chips of metal in the workshop that I had to build some sort of box to enclose the mill. I use my laser cutter to make the pieces and attached them to the wooden base.

This project was a classic demonstration that once you start one project it spans many other small projects.

Just to change a small ratchet on my bike, I had to build the aluminium clamp, I had to build a box for the mill, I made some helping tools such as a laser-cut protractor, I then had to modify the software on the CNC Mill to make the cutting less tedious, I had to update the raspberry pi that controls the Mill etc… This would have frustrated me to no end in the past when “only” a weekend was the time I could do any of this. now, I take the time to do everything one step at a time. If I can’t do it today, who cares…

By the way, once I had everything done.(a full day of work)..changing the ratchet only took a couple of minutes…


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Pear and Chocolate Crumble






Ingredients for 4 Ramequins:

  • 80g flour
  • 80g Sugar + some for the pears cooking.
  • 80g Salted Butter + some for pears cooking.
  • 4 pears
  • 30g of Chocolate

How to make:

  • Mix flour and sugar
  • Crumble the butter into the flour and sugar mixture
  • Put mixture into the fridge
  • Peel the pears and cut in medium size cubes. (remove any seeds before).
  • Chop the chocolate into pieces
  • Warm the oven to 180 celsius.
  • Put the pears in a frying pan with a bit of butter for about 5 minutes. Make them nice and caramel by sprinkling some sugar on them. About a tablespoon or 2.
  • Sprinkle some sugar on the pears to make a bit of a caramel outside
  • Put the chocolate and the pears into the ramequins, then sprinkle the four mixture on top.
  • Cook in the oven for 40 minutes.

Best consumed slightly warm with a bit of creme fraiche!

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Tax return time….or is it ?

Getting to this time of year when I struggle to get myself fired up and seems that days go too fast without very much done…





We had a fun snow day today, nothing like what we used to get in the USA but something special for London and was just fun to go out in the falling snow.


When I think of how much I used to get done in a day! Soon to be 2 years.

Got to do my tax return….should be simple…but never really…

Also, this time of year his loaded with emotional things like the anniversary of the passing of good friends, Darren Hooker, Paul foster, James Marshall. As usual, I made sure I would go to see them at the CAT and have a drink for their souls to rest in peace and give me a bit of kick in the backside. Remind me how lucky I am.

Darren was the most forceful, as usual, he reminded me to just get on with it! Because of COVID the CAT was closed obviously, so I sat on a wall along the canal close to my old office. (What a dump it has become now…). Andrew called and we had a good cheer for our departed friends.

It was a long ride to get there but I was rewarded with sunshine all the way back home.

There are more anniversaries coming for recent losses in the family, Phillipe, Guy…I am going to make some plans because I know it will be another beautiful day of sunshine.



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Untitled – on purpose

As I sometimes, use my blog for the purpose of a life diary, I feel compelled to note the final day of Donald Trump as the president of the United States of America. (20th January 2021). I despise everything he represents. He has been a constant source of previously unreached levels of human indecency. Unfortunately, his slide down the toilet bowl of history does not appease my sense of unease with the overall system of administration, social media, press, establishment or the corporate greed which has been complicit, in my opinion, at letting him roam without proper restraint. My cynical mind assumes it was all for their own agendas, trading everybody’s good for their own. Taking a path that does not require to fight the bully or finding loopholes to appease their consciences. Just letting things happen because somebody else also did. Although I continue to be perplexed how some people can within the same time frame achieve so much when others struggle to do their tax returns, I certainly have no envy of his life. I strongly believe in Karma. As a family, we have recently been binge-watching the series “Lucifer”,  it portrays the devil on earth as an angel with the mission of punishing EVIL acts with an eternity of pain in a remote place called Hell. I somehow prefer to think that there is somewhere on earth somebody bringing joy and sunshine today to more than offset the insignificant contribution of Mr Donald. Trump.
I hesitated in posting anything at all as I am, in some way, complicit of promoting his name one last time. As such, this post has no title, no photos, no formating, the smallest font to reflect his contribution to humankind.
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Monk fish and Chorizo

This is a simple and quick recipe for a very nice fish dish.

It has this Spanish feel with the chorizo and saffron.

Although Monkfish is usually expensive, I think you get what you paid for.

You need to be generous with the cream to have a nice sauce to dip into with freshly made bread or rice.

Preparation cannot be more than 10 minutes and cooking is 7 minutes!



  • Depending on the number of people probably half a Monkfish tail per person. Recipe here is probably for 450g of fish or one tail.
  • A tablespoon of butter
  • 20cl of single cream
  • 5 cl of white wine
  • Half a spicy chorizo (nicer if it has a bit of a kick)
  • A Red Sweet Pepper
  • A bit of fresh coriander to sprinkle on top at the end
  • A couple of pinches of Safron (this is important, it give a nice taste to the overall dish). Buy it online if you cannot find it at the local supermarket.

How to make:

  • Slice the pepper in thin long pieces. (no seeds)
  • Chop the Chorizo in small cubes. About 1cm cube.
  • Remove the tailbone of the Monkfish and cut large medallions. (maybe 3 pieces per half-tail/filets).
  • Cook for 6 minutes (set a timer to help) in a pan the monkfish with the chorizo and the pepper and a tablespoon of butter.
  • Do not overcook the fish.
  • Add the cream and the saffron and the wine and cook for only 1 more minute!
  • Sprinkle some chopped coriander and serve immediately.
  • Goes very nicely with courgettes linguine, rice or simply a slice of bread.
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Happy birthday to my Brother !

I have recently started using my Sherline mini-metal lathe and mill which I purchased in the USA in 2007 or 2008. I have been learning how to machine metal very slowly over the years. I love the precision and process of machining metals. I think I would have been a good toolmaker in the past. (or there is one inside my DNA).

I would like to acquire a slightly larger lathe and a larger mill to be able to use “standard” size tools for them but for the moment the mini lathe and the mini mill are perfect for the small projects that I am doing at the moment.

There is so much to learn!

This is what I love the most about my workshop. I can simply get lost in upgrading, changing, moving, learning, cleaning, etc…it is so much more satisfying than browsing the internet or reading a book (for me) as there is always some sort of creative output at the end. Even if it is only a small cube of brass or a very flat piece of aluminium…

As I dived into the Spinning executive toys that I recently discovered. (see previous post).  I decided to make a nice brass spinning top for my little brother’s birthday.

It is presented in a laser-cut bamboo box that I made for it. The box is designed to be 45mm by 45mm by 45mm. The spinning top is made out from a 22mm brass bar, and has been machined with the lathe and then polished to a high shine to remove cutting marks.

Through much web-browsing, I discovered that to make the toy spin for longer, it is best to have a nice round tip. I add a small ball from a high-quality skateboard-bearing and press-fit it on the under-side of the spin-top. (isn’t that a sentence hard to read !)

If you make sure that most of the weight is as low as possible and take very good care to have a balanced round part, the toy will spin for a very long time. The shaft is hollow to reduce the high weight. This one is about 17grams and 20mm in diameter. It can spin for 5 minutes very easily.


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Life recursion


As 2021 starts on a low with more confinement, it feels like we are all trapped in some sort of recursion loop…

Although recursion loops are an interesting coding approach to solve some algorithms problems, in real life it is just a bummer.


Like for the last couple of years, I have made a book of my blog.

Although there are parts of 2021 that I would just want to delete, the book is a nice reminder that there was actually a fair amount of fun and things that did not “only” relate to COVID-19.

So here is a blog post of the book of my blog…next year there will be a book with a page of the book of my blog in the book of my blog….more recursion…


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Gnocco Fritto

Since a trip to Italy to go and see our friends Anne and Louis-Carl, I have been wanting to make these Gnocco Fritto. We had some in a small restaurant close to a lake and it was simply amazing. I knew it was not much more than bread, but the secret is using a quality “Lard”. I use the Iberico Pork fat which comes in 190g jars. You will need 2 of these to put into the pastry and to use as cooking oil.


  • 350g Flour
  • 1 teaspoon of Yeast
  • 160ml of warm Water (it is possible to do it with milk as well)
  • A pinch of Salt
  • 2 X 190g of Lard. 50g Lard for the pastry and the rest for the cooking

How to make:

  • Dilute the yeast in the 160ml of warm water, leave until it foams a little
  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl making a small well in the middle
  • Mix until you have a nice elastic dough. Probably for 5 minutes.
  • Make a ball out of the dough (tuck-in), leave in the bowl covered with cling film for 2 hours or until the dough has doubled in size.
  • Melt all the remainder of fat into a deep pan and bring to 170-180 degrees C.
  • Roll the dough with some flour to make a thin sheet of dough about 3mm thick.
  • Cut the dough with a sharp knife in 5 to 6cm squares.
  • Dip the square pieces of dough into the frying pan and let cook until nice and golden. They will puff up nicely!
  • Move onto a plate with a towel paper and eat immediately with some charcuteries or Italian Coppa or soft cheese! Wine is optional but recommended.
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Brex-Shit has started

Day 1…must get used to full-on British food…!

Only joking, I adore living in the UK and have so many great friends that make living in the UK an amazing experience, despite being far away from the rest of our family.

We just need to move forward with the new “deal” and make the most of it.

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Tarte a la Rhubarbe


[This post was first done in July 2012 !]

I like Rhubarb tart, specially if I make it with the Meringue top…below the recipe and a picture of the actual thing being eaten…Enjoy.






Tarte a la Rhubarbe Meringuee facon “Mamy”.


250g Farine

125g Beurre

5 oeufs

20cl creme fraiche

40g sucre normal

60g sucre glace

1 sachet sucre vanille

levure boulanger / eau tiede

1 pincee de sel

Quelques tiges de Rhubarbe

sucre pour faire degorger la rhubarbe

1- Pate comme la tarte au sucre.

250g de Farine

125g de beurre (ramolis un peu)

2 jaune d’oeuf. (garder les blancs pour meringue)

Levure (une dose, 1 cuiellere a cafe) bien diluee dans de l’eau tiede avec une cuillere de sucre

melanger a la main ou au robot

ajuster farine si necessaire pour obtenir une obule de pate non collante aux doigts.

laisser monter dans le four pour 1 heure (off)

2- Preparation de la rhubarbe

laver la rhubarbe, couper en des de 2cm. Mettre a degorger avec du sucre pendant 1 heure. (quand la pate monte)

passer la rhubarbe a la peole a feu moyen pour degorger encore un peu.

ne pas faire trop cuire. rhubarbe doit etre encore solide/croquante.

3- Preparation Tarte

rouler la pate. / poser sur platine en utilisant le rouleau.

poser la rhubarbe sur la pate.

4- Appareil / Flan

1 oeuf entier, et 2 jaune d’oeuf (garder 1 blanc pour la meringue), 20cl de creme fraiche et du sucre vanille. (une bonne dose). foueter legerement. verser sur la pate.

Mettre au four a 180. Cuire presque completement. Environ 20/25 minutes. Garder un peu de marge pour pouvoir faire la meringue.

5- Meringue

3 blanc d’oeuf. 60g sucre glace. Monter les blancs (solide / 2 minutes avec robot) avec une pincee de sel. melanger le sucre apres que les blancs soit monte. mettre sur la tarte chaude et remettre au four pour 15 minutes. bien verifie pour ne pas bruler. Reduire la temperature vers 160 degres.

Sortir tarte et laisser refroidir.




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Spinning top – Rabbit Hole

Just made my first Spinning top as a gift for Noe.

He is a fan of the movie inception so I thought it would be a nice gift.



As consequence, I just fell into a massive rabbit hole….

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Dry Cured Duck


[First post May 2017]. Just about to start curing some duck filets. Starting with 2 filets of Duck, I am salting using Kosher salt (sticks better to the meat) and lots of spices of all sorts. The rub will be mostly pickling spices (coriander/cloves/mustard pepper) a few dried herbs,  black pepper and brown sugar.

[update 1] May bank holiday weekend! About 10 days that the duck is in the fridge and in the muslin. Just got my meat slicer (my Xmas present from my wife), can’t wait to try the thin slices of meat with a glass of wine.

[Jan 2021: update 3] I have made this several times but always been a bit disappointed that it is too salty once finished. So I recommend starting with filet in the salt only for 12 to 24 hours. Then rinse well ad pat dry with towel paper. Then rub with spices as you see fit. I like it “simple” with only once type of pepper or one set of herbs. The mixed spices tend to make it to overpowering versus the duck. Leave in the fridge for a few days, and then take into a well ventilated cool place. If you leave in the fridge only and for the whole curing period, the meat tends to pick-up some of the smells of the fridge. So I prefer to dry it outside in the garage in the “Garde Manger” I made.



  • 2 Duck Fillets (approx 400g)
  • 25g Salt
  • 25g Brown Sugar (Cassonade)
  • Pickling Spices (or any spices you like)
  • Dried Herbs
  • Black Pepper

How to Make:

  • As per the update above. Start with only salt for 24 hours in the fridge to start the curing process.
  • After 24 hours in the salt in the fridge, rinse well the filet and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Grind all the spices and mix in a bowl.
  • Score the skin of the duck filets
  • Cover the fillets with the spice rub and put into a muslin.
  • Leave the Duck for a couple of days in the fridge, to accelerate the initial drying of the ducks.
  • Transfer to a cool and well-ventilated area to hang for a few weeks. (if you have no other option, you can keep in the fridge as well but the meat might capture a little the fridge smells. Let the meat dry until the weight is 70% of the starting weight.
  • I put a small tag to keep track of the “target” weight.
  • [UPDATE 2 Dec.2018] I have done this recipe a few times now. It is important to rince well the duck. It tends to be a bit salty if not. I also got into the habit of putting “only spices” on the meat after the salting period and into the “curing” period. For example I did this year a Pink Peppercorn only duck and a Provence Herbs one.
  • Cut thinly and eat as an appetiser or put onto pasta.
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Last Minute !

Last-minute preparations for a very strange Christmas with all the families in different locations and shopping substantially impacted by the London confinement rules.

Still, we are all very resourceful and can always find a way to make it special…Jules & Oli making last-minute presents in the garage.

24th compulsory Xmas jumper day.

25th compulsory pyjama day for all in the house!

26th birthday Noe.

The menu has been “signed-off” and we are starting with Mojitos….






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Carrots and Patatoes for Xmas

Panic for various lunches and breakfasts and dinners over the coming few days with the boys….

Usually, we are in France and simply putting our feet under the table with my mum’s cooking! Which we all know is MAMYFIQUE!

Looking for inspiration to do a few simple dishes but with a twist to make them more festive.



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Xmas Hat

Only recently managed to get myself in the spirit of Christmas and getting ready for nice food and party with the very restricted family!

I built an electronic hat with some Multicoloured LEDs and a small micro-controller.

It is based on a ESP32 chip with Bluetooth connection, so it is possible to connect to the hat from your phone.

Jules made a nice iPhone app. to control the various animations of the LEDs to suit any mood for anybody.

If you wear this hat, it is not possible to be un-happy for Christmas….


Short video here.hat


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