Pommes Dauphines

This is a deep-fried potato choux, a classic Xmas special for the Dehon’s!

It is a mix of the standard Choux Pastry with a puree of potatoes.

[Initially posted in 12th Oct. 2013 !]





Ingredients :

250g of Potato

250g of Choux Pastry

Salt & Pepper. Nutmeg.

for the Choux Pastry :

250g of water, 140g of flour, 115g of unsalted butter

Pinch of Salt, Pinch of Sugar.

4 or 5 whole eggs.

Put the water, sugar, salt, butter in a pan and bring to boil. Take off the boil straight away. Pour all the flour in the pan, mix well with a silicone spatula, you must obtain a pastry that does not stick to the pan. Put back on the heat for 1 minute or 1&1/2 minute. This is to dry the pastry, it is important for the recipe. Take off the heat,  put one egg at a time and mix well to obtain an elastic and shinny pastry. You can use this for Choux Pastries, desserts, very nice with cream, etc…

If you are making the Pommes Dauphines, simply cook the peeled potatoes in water for 15/20 minutes. Then mash and put on the heat for a few minutes to dry the potatoes. Add the nutmeg and Salt, Pepper or Cayenne Pepper for a bit of a kick.

Then mix with the Choux Pastry.

Make some small quenelles with 2 teaspoons and deep fry in oil at 175/180 degrees C. Maybe 10 at a time. If the pastry is a bit rough in the oil it is ok, it makes them a bit more crispy. Cook for about 3-5 minutes. Shake oil and put on paper towels. season with salt and serve immediately. You can also use one of those “squeeze” things to make smaller pastries which are also very nice.


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Not a Clock

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Love this picture

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Almost Xmas…so many deaths

So many people are affected every day in the world, does not look like 2021 will be any better than 2020…at this rate.

400 people per day in the UK.

Still using my small software to get the data from the digital sources : [here]

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Hate Levee – Borinage Recipe

First published 14th June 2019. 

“Hâte levée”….up early in old Belgian/French for the miners going to work. Eaten cold or as an aperitif.





  • Pork Belly
  • Pepper / Salt / Nutmeg / Thyme or Provence Herbs / Cloves / Garlic

How to Make :

  • Remove the skin of pork the belly
  • Put on tray skin side up
  • use a knife to make cuts in meat and insert cloves
  • turn meat around
  • use the knife again to include small pieces of garlic in the created slots
  • sprinkle pepper/nutmeg
  • add Herbs or Thyme
  • Make a roll with the meat and use butcher twine to keep it closed, can also be cooked simply flat.
  • Sprinkle on the outside salt and more pepper if you like
  • Put into the oven at 140/160 degrees for 90 minutes.

Take out and let cool down. Better eaten the following day or at least once cooled down and better coming out of the fridge. Serve with pickled shallots or gherkins or mustard.


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Truffes or Chocolate Truffles

La recette familialle des truffes au Chocolat de la famille Sevin.


Ingredients pour 45 Truffes:

  • 300g of good chocolate.
  • 2oog of unsalted butter.
  • 4 egg yokes (discard the whites)
  • The recipe is missing the sugar quantity but I estimate it to be 80g to 100g

How to make :

  • Mix egg yokes and sugar to get a smooth whitish mixture
  • Soften the butter and add to the eggs & sugar
  • Melt the chocolate in a pan.
  • Depending on the chocolate it might be necessary to add up to 3 tablespoons of water
  • Pour chocolate into egg/butter/sugar mixture to make a paste
  • Put in the fridge until it gets medium-hard. Probably for one hour.
  • Use a teaspoon to grab small quantities of the mixture and roll in your hands to make balls
  • Roll into dark chocolate powder or sugar.
  • Keep in the fridge or cool area….eat soon.

There is many variations possible by selecting different types of chocolate or decreasing eggs or butter etc…rolling the final product in Hazelnuts etc….


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Advent of Code

Been participating in this challenge of coding. I am sharing with my son, my brother and a few Geeky friends!

It was easy for the first few days but now it is getting super hard…my old brain cannot deal with the complexity of some of the problems…

Only day 7…



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Monday Virus Mutation

Been learning more Javascript stuff and made a Frame recording app for some of the loops I have been making. There is so much stuff online to look at! This is inspired by a piece of work I received on my tweeter.

This one is another Mathematics and trigonometry looping thing.

With the right colours choice, it is easy to make it look like a virus thing.

I make a few hundreds of frames and then convert them into either a movie of a GIF using some online tools like:  https://ezgif.com/maker

The one below is 150 frames at 30 frames per second in a loop. The original rendering is 400 pixels by 400 pixels. It is a 13mb file…

I coded in Javascript so that any browser can load the code and used Visual Code to program it. I could have used “Processing v4” and it would be a lot quicker but wanted the challenge of refactoring in Javascript. Main loop code :

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Pecan Spiced Candies

This was first published 14-Dec-2013!

Updated for confinement morale boost…









  • Dried Pecans (enough to cover a cooking tray)
  • 3 Tablespoons or 45 grams of Brown Sugar
  • Black Pepper – to your taste but definitely worth being a bit spicy.
  • 30g of butter (Salted if possible or add salt to the recipe)


How to Make:

  • Put the Pecans on a non-stick tray in the oven at 180 degrees C, for about 10 minutes.
  • Melt in a pan the salted butter, sugar and pepper.
  • Take the half-cooked pecans and coat them with the melted sugar by mixing them in the saucepan.
  • Put the coated Pecans on the non-stick tray (using a SILICONE sheet is best)
  • Back in the oven for another 7 to 10 minutes. Watch out as it is easy to burn the sugar too much and it will give a bad taste to the whole batch. 8 minutes is perfect on my 180 fan-assisted oven.
  • Once brown and cooked, take out of the oven and let cool on the silicone sheet.
  • The sugar will go solid and make nice caramel candies.
  • if you mess about with the hot pecans out of the oven you will definitely burn your fingers…

You can make them look even more professional by sprinkling a few sesame seeds on top of the hot sugar as it is cooling down.

You can eat the candies like any other caramels with a nice strong coffee or crush them and use as topping for yoghurt or a cake…

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Moutabal (Aubergine dip)



  • 2 Aubergines
  • 4 Tablespoons of tahini
  • 4 tablespoons of yoghurt
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 cayenne pepper

How to make : Video Here

  • Prick the aubergines and cook over a flame BBQ for 20 minutes. (to give the smoke taste).
  • Alternatively, cut in halves and grill in the oven for 20 minutes or until tender.
  • Let aubergines cool and then empty the flesh in a blender. add a bit of skin if you like it
  • Add lemon juice, salt, cayenne pepper, garlic, yoghurt
  • Blend it all! That’s it.
  • Better served cold so a good 20 minutes in the fridge makes it better.
  • It is almost the same recipe as the Hummous but with aubergines instead of Chickpeas
  • Will keep for a week.
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Houmous & Hummus & Hummous

So simple to do and delicious with Pitta Bread or just crisps and a glass of wine.


Also a video of me making it here.





  • A can of Chickpeas, rinse them before use.(until foam goes away)
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 Tablespoons of Tahini
  • Half cup of Olive Oil [this was in the original recipe but I do not like it with oil]
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Salt.
  • Half a lemon juice or lime juice
  • A small yoghurt or the equivalent 3/4 Tablespoons of yoghurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cumin

How to make :

  • Just blitz it all together! That simple…
  • Add lemon juice or water to make it more liquid if that is what you like
  • Mix it slowly to start and then accelerate the blender to get the consistency you like.
  • will keep in the fridge for a week or so
  • Serve with olive oil, cayenne pepper and chopped flat parsley


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More COVID-19 shit…


I am struggling with confinement and with potential impact to rest of our lives in general. I am blessed to be healthy in general and family been protected so far, still, I feel that everything is on “Pause” and have the feeling of much waste of my short time on earth.

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Pitta Bread

This is super easy to do and very quick.

It is an easy way to get some bread done quickly for a meal.


With a video here.









Ingredients for 4 large Pittas:

  • 250g of Strong white flour.
  • 1 teaspoon or 5g of yeast.
  • 1 teaspoon of Salt
  • Half a tablespoon of Olive oil.
  • 150ml of warm water

How to make :

  • Mix all the dry ingredients (excluding yeast).
  • dilute the yeast into the warm water.
  • Add the water and knead in the bowl until a smooth dough
  • Cover and rest the dough for 1 hour.
  • Start the oven on 230 fan assisted or 250 normal and put a cooking tray to warm up.
  • Split the dough into 4 pieces
  • Make a small ball with each piece
  • Roll thinly on a silicone sheet with a bit of flour to prevent it from sticking.
  • Put flour on a baking sheet and lay the pittas.
  • Put into oven for 7 minutes! It will puff nicely.

Enjoy with some homemade houmous…or is it humus ?

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List of Things – ZELIST

Here is a place to keep a long list of things I would like to do and make etc…

ZenSand table

Chrome Extension to consolidate all windows into one

Automatic trading bot using python or javascript

Energy Stuff : build a concrete block clock work / rain collector / weather energy battery

build a barograph with modern electronics

make a “bell” system for messages with featherwing





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Donuts anybody ? (or is it doughnut)…

Hummm…want to try to make some doughnuts at home….first time….wish me luck!

Was Delicious and well worth the work.

Although, I went to the pub and forgot them as they were rising it was ok in the end…

also got lazy and did not do the glaze this time

Everybody likes them at the house and the taste and texture is like the “real ones”




  • 280g of Flour.
  • 1/4 Teaspoon of grated Nutmeg.
  • 40g sugar.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  • 120g warm milk.
  • 1 egg
  • 7g dry yeast
  • 40g melted butter
  • For Glaze:
    • 75g Melted butter
    • 250g icing sugar or crystal sugar blitzed in the blender
    • 3 to 5 tablespoons of milk (adjust to preference)

How to Make:

  • Mix the dry ingredients
  • Dilute the 7g yeast in a bit of water (I find it does not dilute well in milk)
  • Add melted butter and warm milk
  • Make a dough that will be fairly sticky. (oil your hands if necessary)
  • Let rise in a covered lightly oiled bowl. (let rise to twice volume)
  • Make a thick dough sheet and cut with the doughnut cutter or 2 cutting ring of the right sizes.
  • Place on cling film with a tiny bit of oil so that it does not stick.
  • Prepare oil in a pan or deep fat fryer. I use peanuts oil.
  • 160 celsius is OK temperature so that the doughnut rise and cook throughout without getting too dark. I turn them once or twice depending on their size.
  • Glaze (if you want them glazed) then set aside for a little bit before eating…


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Moussaka chez Mamy

IMG_3305Even my mum is now following internet recipes for things that she has been doing for years ! Here is the link :http://www.lacuisinedebernard.com/2013/07/la-moussaka-grecque.html

Obviously there is a few small secrets…

She uses half-cooked potatoes as the first base layer for the Moussaka. On this particular occasion, we did 2, one with and one without the potatoes. The outcome is that it is definitely nicer with the layer of potatoes. You can see in picture 3 the layers, don’t be fooled by picture 1.

It is my understanding that the Moussaka with Potatoes is a Greek recipe whereas the one without is more Turkish.

UPDATE : (Original was 11th of August 2015!)

I have just tried to make this recipe and clearly my mum was not following that recipe at all…

Well, I am going to do the same and make my own version and see if it is any good. I am starting with a version without potatoes. It is a bit of work but it is well worth it!


  • 1kg of minced lamb.
  • 2 Large or 3 small aubergines.
  • 2 onions / 2 or 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Tomatoes concentrate. (a small round pot thingy)
  • A supermarket basket of large tomatoes
  • Olive Oil / Butter / Salt / Pepper / Whole Nutmeg / Piment de l’espelette
  • A large tray to go in the oven
  • For the sauce Blanche : 0.8 to 1 Litre of milk / 100g flour / 1eggs / 50g butter / nutmeg / salt /pepper.

How to Make:

  • I find that my “Le Creuset” pot is the best to cook this kind of dishes.
  • I then assemble the ingredients in a large clay roasting tray to go in the oven
  • Dice the onions and cook in the pot with a bit of butter, salt and pepper.
  • Let them melt a bit and take some colour. Cook on medium not too harsh.
  • During this time boil some water and put all the tomatoes in the boiling water for a couple of minutes. This will help to peel them easily.
  • Cut the tomatoes in slices and remove all the wet bits, seeds, centre etc.
  • Once the onions are cooked, transfer into a tray waiting for assembly.
  • Wash and slice the aubergines through their short side to make round slices of various sizes.
  • Cook them on medium heat in a bit of olive oil to give them colour and taste. This is a fairly long process that requires you to monitor the burning so that it is tasty but not burnt…my mum method is to use a roasting tray in the oven.
  • Transfer half of the aubergines to the bottom of the cooking tray and then layer on top the tomatoes.
  • Still in the same pot, cook the lamb on high with the crushed garlic, season with salt and pepper and grate half of a nutmeg. Add also a bit of Piment de l’Espelette or equivalent (sweet chilli peppers powder).
  • Add the tomatoes concentrate to the meat and let the water evaporate as much as possible. The meat will take a bit of colour and the oils will separate.
  • Transfer the meat onto the cooking tray making sure you drain the fat.
  • Once all the meat is layered over the aubergines and tomatoes finish with the second half of aubergines to top the whole thing. (Aubergines/Tomatoes/Meat/Aubergines)
  • Make one litre of sauce Blanche (this is not my usual Bechamel Sauce...and has eggs in it…not sure about this….:
    • In a 1.5L pot, melt the butter and mix the flour with a whisk, adding a bit of milk to make sure you do not make lumps.
    • Once you have a sort of paste, add the rest of the milk slowly to get a thick creamy liquid.
    • Take off the heat. whisk an egg with a bit of milk and then add to the mixture whisking everything well.
  • Pour the sauce Blanche on the whole preparation
  • Cook in the oven a 180 degrees celsius for 20 to 30 minutes.

This was very nice and the white sauce was great as well. All very moist and tasty.

Might have noticed the disaster of the burning of the le creuset pan….I tried everything to clean it and it was not coming off at all….been a complete mystery on how to take the stuff out and clean it properly. I bought at least 4 different products on amazon etc…baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, le creuset own brand cleaning product, boiling vinegar, magic sponge, overnight soak with dishwasher soap, boiling baking soda, etc…etc….etc…

I finally decide to simply put the pot into my oven during a full cycle of pyrolytic wash….was a bit afraid of destroying the whole thing but NO !! it worked brilliantly.

Simply had to wipe the ashes of the burned off stuff afterwards it was almost new.

Will now use this method on a yearly basis or something like that.


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Pancakes USA style


Simple, super quick to make but super effective to get you started with your day…

Nice thick and fluffy

Great for ski days, sports days in general or recovery from a good night out…




  • 1 cup or 125g of white flour, I use the Canadian White.
  • 2 Tablespoons of Sugar – 30g
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Salt – about 2.5g – (better to spoon it rather than weight it)
  • 2 teaspoons of Baking Powder – 10g (better to spoon it rather than weight it)


  • 1 Natural yoghurt – it is usually about 100 to 110g
  • about half a cup (120g) of milk ( yogurt+milk = 1 cup)
  • 1 whole egg
  • 2 Tablespoons of melted butter – 30g


  • Butter and Maple syrup for the finished product…

How to Make:

  • You can make this recipe quickly with 2 glass containers. One for the dry bits and one for the rest of the ingredients. Use a scale to measure all the ingredients.
  • Clearly, this is not rocket science, the Yogurt and the baking powder are going to work together to make these pancakes super fluffy and nice.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. (Flour, Salt, Sugar, Baking Powder)
  • Melt the 2 spoons of butter in the microwave for 30 seconds. (put a cover on it)
  • Pour the yoghurt into the bowl with the butter and mix. Then add the milk and mix.
  • Add the egg and whisk with the milk, butter and yoghurt to make a blended mixture.
  • Now pour the liquid mixture into the flour making sure you do not make big lumps. Simply pour the milk mixture slowly and whisk constantly.
  • You should get a fairly thick mixture that sticks to a spoon. (Not like french pancakes mixture which is very liquid in comparison).
  • Cook on medium heat (140 degrees Celsius) with a little bit of butter. Wait for one side to be cooked and turn once over very carefully so that you keep the thickness of the pancake.
  • Serve with more butter and Maple syrup…
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More Quarantine

Back from holidays in France having to endure another 14 days of isolation for quarantine….it is doing my head in…

To keep my mind from looping out of control, I made some generative art which illustrates my mind at the moment…move the mouse left or right to change the number of mind-loops…

With the mouse on the left, I see a pair of hypnotic eyes, to the right I see some gears spinning to calculate something difficult…


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Wimbledon 2020

It got cancelled….but not a the Dehon’s….!

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Pates de fruits

IMG_3488This was first posted on 20th September 2015.


I have made a few over the years and more recently have shared with some friends the current recipe so below is slightly updated process etc…they are still super nice!

It is very easy to do and a classic of a recipe that our Grandmas would have been making all the time and we just forgot how to do it…because of supermarket stuff.


It is also a bit “Zen”, like caramel making because you need to stay close to your hot pan and keep stirring until the right temperature is reached.

A bit like caramel, you definitely need a Thermometer to keep track of the temperature of the mixture in the pan. I am sure that our grandmothers were capable of knowing the right time of cooking but for me, it is just easier.

The trick is to heat up the mixture until it reaches 107 degrees celsius. This is the temperature at which the sugar and the pectin change structure and become the jelly-like sweets. If you leave the temperature to go higher, you will get something closer to candies.

I like to make small pieces with sugar on them so that they don’t stick to each other. Other people like to coat them with granulated sugar.

The very best is to use a little bit of citric acid and mix it with some granulated sugar, then blitz this in a coffee grinder or blender. You get something like icing sugar which has a bit of a sour taste which most people love on their sweets.

My prefered is to simply have them naked, it is a bit sticky but who cares! Simply lick your fingers afterwards…


  • 300g of Fruits (I am using Raspberries in the pictures)
  • 300g of Sugar. (yes 50/50 is ok)
  • 20g of Pectin (without this forget it). I got mine here. But Amazon has plenty as well.
  • for the coating: 1 tablespoon of citric acid for 7 to 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


  • Blend the fruits very fine. I use the Vitamix or the  Bamix for that with the chopping attachment on full speed. Ideally, to take the Raspberry seeds out, you can filter through a fine mesh but you probably lose a bit of the goodness that is in the seeds. I prefer to blend the fruits a bit longer and crush the seeds to keep as many vitamins and goodness in the end product. The Vitamix is the best for that. Full blast for 45 seconds and the seeds will get blended within the mixture.
  • Mix the sugar and pectin together
  • Put everything in a pan, and stir over strong heat.
  • Stir again and again until you get to 107 degrees, it will take forever….until you get something fairly sticky in the pan. It will bubble up and boil. check the temperature regularly.
  • Once the 107 degrees has been reached, pour the mixture on a tray with cling film or even better a sheet of silicone. Try to make a rectangle that has a thickness of about 1.5cm. The mixture should be thick enough so that this is an easy step.
  • Let it cool down, this will probably take a good hour or more.
  • Make the coating mixture with the citric acid and the sugar. Simply blend a bit of citric acid with a fair amount of sugar. Taste to check how “sour” you want it to be. You can have then fairly sour because the overall “Pate de Fruits” is very sweet anyway.
  • Slice little cubes or rectangles of the size of your choice, then put into a Ziplock plastic bag or simply in a bowl. Pour the powdered sugar on the candies to coat them with a fine dust that will prevent them to stick to each other.

You can keep these sweets for a long time in a box but you will struggle to not eat them! After a few days, they become just a little bit gummier that’s all.

Although the recipe has a lot of sugar in it, like Jam, it is a good way of getting fruits and vitamins inside our kids … they love it.

I make some with Strawberries, Apples etc….it think that most fruits would work and you can also make blends of Apples and Blueberries or anything you fancy! It is also very nice to add a little bit of Lime juice to the fruit mixture.

Actually decided to make a list of fruits to try :

Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Apricot, Blood Orange, Lemon+Apple, Red currant, Kiwi, Mango, Melon, Pear, Cherries, Peaches….

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